Before you begin shopping around your new idea there’s some groundwork you’ll need to take care of first. Having an idea is easy; it’s the steps that come after that are the most difficult.
A strong prototype will give you many tangible and intangible benefits that will speed up market adoption, and give your invention a chance to thrive. Below we highlight several reasons why you’ll want to start with a strong prototype for your new idea.
1. Having A Tangible Product Gives You Confidence
When you have a spectacular idea for an invention it can be tempting to spend all of your time creating product mockups and refining the initial design. This step is very important, but you’ll never make progress towards your goal if you never create something tangible.
A plastic prototype, even if it is flawed will give you confidence that you’re moving forward with your creation. Once you have the initial prototype you can work with it to truly polish and improve your design.
2. It Allows You To Refine Your Product First
During your first product run-through you’re always going to have kinks to work out. Or, you may need to add or remove certain features. By creating a plastic prototype you’ll be able to refine the design of your product into a workable prototype. You might also start with one type of plastic and molding process, and then decide that another type of plastic will make your product more durable. The range of function and processing methods as well as type of plastics available can be overwhelming to new product inventors.
This allows you to avoid any product mishaps that might occur without proper prototyping. The only way to truly create a plastic product that exceeds your expectations is by starting with an initial prototype and innovating from that point.
3. Can Experiment With Production and Distribution Methods
When taking your design to market chances are you’re going to need to scale. This means you’ll need to have your production and distribution methods ironed out.
By starting with a strong prototype you can smooth out the plastic production process, and any methods of distribution to reach your customers or your suppliers ahead of time.
4. A Strong Protoype Strengthens Your Investment Potential
When you’re approaching potential investors about your product it’s one thing to tell them about it. It’s an entirely different experience altogether when you show them. Graphics, plans, and descriptions can only go so far. By creating a working plastic prototype you enable an investor to truly experience what it’s like to use your product.
At SPI we can help make inventors dreams a reality.
With our state of the art plastic production and molding facility we can cater to your every need. Our team of engineers has decades of experience producing plastic prototypes across a wide array of fields. If you’re interested in bringing your idea to life, then reach out to our team here, or give us a call at (269) 849-3200.